Monday, November 26, 2012

November Teacher of the Month

I'm so honored to be able to say that I was chosen as Winona Radio's Teacher of the Month for November!  Thank you so very much to all of my students and their parents.  I would especially like to thank the family that nominated know who you are!  :)

Visit to see our class picture.

Goodview Gathering

Awaiting our dinner...
We had a wonderful meal with our 2nd Grade friends.

Taking a break from eating to pose for a picture.

The 4th Grade Orchestra students entertained us while we ate.

Happy "Goodview Gathering" Day!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy Halloween!

To celebrate Halloween, the students in Pod 3 came together to play some games, share some Halloween treats, and watch a holiday movie.  We had blast!


It's no joke...our class has the cutest pumpkins in the patch!

BOO to You.

Happy Halloween!
We played "The Great Shoe Search".

First, find your shoes.

Keep looking...

Next, put your shoes on.

Finally, tie your shoes and run back to the class.

Native American Projects

Ayden wrote a Native American story and added symbols.

Sam shared a dream catcher for his project.

Hailey made a rain stick.  She also brought in a real rain stick so we could compare!

Cody created a dream catcher.

McKenna also made a dream catcher and researched the history behind dream catchers.

Julie made a Native American village.

Avery constructed a travois and explained how it was used by the Native Americans.

Jeremiah shared a dream catcher with us.  He also shared the paragraph he wrote explaining the history of dream catchers.

Alexis made a Tom-Tom.

Brady created a dream catcher and shared some pictures of a Native American in full ceremonial dress.

Chandler also created a Tom-Tom.

Tyler constructed a Native American village.  He even added horses for more detail!

Reed created a dream catcher.  He explained to us how he had to soak the stick for two days in order to shape it for the dream catcher!

Taylynn made a dream catcher.
Corbin created a Native American village.  He even used a lot of elements found in nature!